AIGA Upstate NY Design Week
AIGA Upstate NY Design Week is a week-long celebration of the diverse and talented design community that makes up our chapter. This year features workshops, lectures, meetups, and more across five area codes and culminates with Create Upstate in Ithaca, NY. Learn about more 2017 Design Week events here.
16 x 16 x 16
Monday, May 1, 2017 from 6 - 8p.m.
Please join AIGA Upstate NY for a fun 2017 Design Week evening in Troy, NY with a new event we're calling 16x16x16: 16 speakers showing 16 slides for 16 seconds each. Also, there will be 16 oz. beverages available. This will be a fast-paced, fun event with each speaker spending about 4.5 minutes talking about 16 slides on their choice of topic. Lite fare will be served; the Taproom's full menu will also be available.
Brown's Brewing Co. Taproom, 2nd floor
417 River Street Troy, NY 12180
Presenters: Paul Engel, Emily Jahn, Jesse Gardner, Andrew Gregory, James Lewis-Van Vorst, Doug Bartow, Sarah Harbacz, Krystal Hinckley, Ally Shivka, Emily Borst, Jared Schafer, Caroline Corrigan, Jennifer Wilkerson, Greg Matusic, Delaney Weber, The Foundry for Art, Design & Culture.
Free for active AIGA members (with ID). $10 for non-members.