Dock 2 Letterpress – AIGA members only Wood Type Workshop.

Continuing our Type You Can Touch series, Dock 2 Letterpress is pleased to announce that it will hold an AIGA members only wood type workshop on Dec. 4th. Participants will be able to produce a small broadside using the wood type collection at Dock 2.

Make a collage of type as image, set a small quote, or just make something with all of the stars. Each person will be able to take home an edition of 15-20 prints of whatever they set. Have a bunch of creative friends, make something as a holiday gift. Learn to set type and make a print on our Vandercook Proof press.

Space is limited, Sign up today. Members price including materials, $40.00

When & Where
Sat, Dec 4, 2010 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Dock 2 Letterpress Shop
855 Publishers Parkway
Webster, NY 14580