Flexible Typesetting Launch Party

Join us to celebrate the publishing of Flexible TypesettingA Book Apart’s latest title written by Kingston’s own Tim Brown. We will be celebrating from Brunette Wine Bar at Brunette in the downtown waterfront district of Kingston. All attendees will receive their very own copy of the book free of charge, thanks to our friends at Adobe Type. Tim will give a short talk about reasons why he wrote the book, and his experiences, followed by a Q&A, signing, and mingling of the Hudson Valley design community. Light refreshments will be provided and there will be a cash bar.

About the Book

For the first time in hundreds of years, because of the web, the role of the typographer has changed. We no longer decide; we suggest. We no longer simply choose typefaces, font sizes, line spacing, and margins; we prepare and instruct text to make those choices for itself. In this book, Tim Brown illuminates the complex, beautiful world of typesetting—arguably the most important part of typography because it forms the backbone of the reading experience—and shows us how to parry the inevitable pressures that arise when we can no longer predict how, and where, our text will be read.

About the Author

Tim Brown is a designer, writer, speaker, and toolmaker who focuses on typography. As head of typography at Adobe, he thinks about product direction, designs software, advises integration partners, and helps novices and experts alike hone their typographic skills. Tim speaks about the evolving craft of typography—and the immense business value of great typography—at conferences both worldwide and online. He lives and works in New York State’s beautiful Hudson Valley with his wife and college sweetheart, Eileen, their three daughters, and their dogs.

Sponsored by Adobe Type
When & Where
Wed, Jul 25, 2018 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
33 Broadway
Kingston, NY 12401