Unimark International: The Design of Business and the Business of Design
Unimark International was innovative in expanding boundaries of design, business, and technology in the 1960s and early ’70s, sometimes leaping ahead of the norm by decades. Unimark International deserves recognition for its influence in a specific era of design history and for many ideas and achievements—in the United States, Europe, Africa, and South America—that have continuing validity beyond that era and beyond the profession of design. Notable American clients include Ford, JCPenney, American Airlines, New York Transit Authority, Knoll, Panasonic, Target, Memorex, and Gillette.

Jan Conradi is author of the book: "Unimark International: The Design of Business and the Business of Design." She is currently a Design Educator at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey and formerly was Professor of Design at SUNY Fredonia. She will describe the rise and fall of Unimark International and will sign copies of her book at the lecture.

ROC Thursday 9-16 @ 7:30pm
XEROX Auditorium on RIT Campus
Supporting Sponsor - Buffalo Ad Club

Free for pre-registered members ($5 for members at the door)
$10 for pre-registered nonmembers ($15 for nonmembers at the door)

Learn more about Unimark :: http://www.unimark-international.com/
When & Where
Thu, Sep 16, 2010 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM
RIT | XEROX Auditorium
One Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623