President’s Letter

Dear Creative Community,

We are pleased to announce our second bi-annual design competition + exhibition, New York State of Design, open to members and non-members, individuals, students and businesses.

We’ve made a few changes from our first competition, including now accepting online entries, adding a student section, and online judging. There are no categories this year.  All design is welcomed and encouraged. Our aim is to demonstrate measurable design solutions, asking all entrants: “why is this an example of excellent design?”

More details will unfold in the coming weeks and we look forward to seeing your entries!

New York State of Design is hosted by the AIGA Upstate New York chapter and run by a team of volunteers who believe in supporting good design. We are looking to build this team of volunteers, if you feel this would be a good fit for you, let us know!

Sarah Burns

Our chapter is successful because of our members; please make sure to join if you are not already a member. People often as what they need to do to get involved, do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in making AIGA Upstate New York successful!

Published February 8, 2014
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