Student Design Challenge 2018
AIGA Upstate New York
Call for Participation
Show what design can do. Show why design is important. Show the power of design. AIGA Upstate New York challenges all student designers to form design teams this school year and commit to showing the power of design for the greater good.


Register Here:


Challenge Requirements:
  • Registration (Deadline 2/15/18)
    Registration requires the formulation of a team and the identification of a design problem to solve.

    • Teams must include at at least one design student and a mentor who is a professional in the field (can be a faculty member, program alum or local designer) but may also include additional students and community partners.
    • Teams must also identify a social issue that can be addressed with design. The goal of your design solution should be one of the following:
      • Increase awareness of the issue or a perspective on the issue with an audience not currently or adequately reached.
      • Promote a specific call to action that will result in a positive impact.
      • Redesign an existing piece of media, with appropriate permission and approval of the publishers of that material, to clarify and amplify the intended message to effectively reach the intended audience
  • Project Submission (Deadline 4/20/18)

    Develop a solution of the design problem. Consider the needs/wants of the target audience and constraints like publication budget, feasibility, access, etc. when making design choices including the medium/format. Submissions should be sent by email to from the mentor’s email address to demonstrate your mentor’s support and approval of your team’s project/work and must be received no later than midnight on 4/20/18.

    • CASE STUDY: Include team name, overview of social issue, project brief, strategy, research, solution, challenges and effectiveness. Also include images of both the final solution and the process. See professional case study examples highlighted on AIGA’s Design for Good webpage ( Case study should be 750-1000 words and submitted as a PDF.

    • VIDEO: Videos should be 1920px1080px, no longer than 90 seconds, and uploaded to (please make sure that “download the video” and “add to their collections” are both turned on in your privacy settings). Videos should document the solution, process and what informed poignant design decisions. Videos must include the names of all team members (and the colleges/organizations they are affiliated with), and include an overview of the issue your team addressed. Videos will be included in an album/channel on Vimeo and shared with the AIGA Upstate New York community. Please submit video as a Vimeo URL.

Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges comprised of professional designers from across Upstate New York using this rubric. The top three submissions will be shared with members of AIGA Upstate NY to vote on the ultimate winner. See last year’s submissions.

Participants in this competition retain any and all copyright claims to their work. Your participation in this challenge grants AIGA Upstate New York the right to display your work on and social media accounts and in our print and and digital publications and communications, providing we include appropriate attribution.


Register Here:



  • Student design team members must be studying a design related field within the AIGA Upstate New York Chapter region.
  • Teams must include at least one or more student designers and a mentor who is a professional in the field (can be a faculty member, program alum or local designer).
  • In order to qualify to exhibit work on the AIGA site, all deadlines and requirements (Registration, Submission) must be met.
  • Submissions may only include projects completed during the 2017-2018 school year.
  • Teams must have the appropriate license/rights to the copy, type and images in their work.
  • The chapter reserves the right to exclude work that does not reflect the AIGA Standards of Professional Practice
Please direct inquiries about the Student Design Challenge to
Published January 16, 2018
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