UPSTNY 25 Year Coasters
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Celebrating 25 years as a chapter is kinda a big deal, so we asked 25 members across New York State to design a letterpress coaster.

These limited edition coasters are broken into packs of five that include regional designs varying in color along with a Coaster Info Sheet. We are thrilled with the outcome of this project and they totally keep your table clean too. Shoutouts to our fabulous 25 designers:

Alan Altman, 585
Doug Bartow, 518
Michelle Bersani, 315
Sarah Burns, 315
Jeremy Chapline, 518
Todd Edmonds, 607
Chris Goldan, 585
Jordan Hegyi, 716
Emily Ianacone, 585
Bill Klingsmith, 585
Cindy Koren, 315
Tommy Lincoln, 315
Jessica Loy, 518
Kelly McMurray, 518
Mariel Mirra, 315
Jason Occhipinti, 315
Michael Orr, 607
Mike Rivette, 518
Michelle Roberts, 585
Alana Sparrow, 51
Paul Stonier, 607
Casi Tredo, 585
Laura Walczak, 585

This labor of love would not have been a reality without amazing printers, Mariel Mirra, Ink Plate Press, a plate donation by Boxcar Press and project management by your very own Sarah Burns.

Interested in purchasing? Email to with the request and we will make it happen.

Published May 30, 2014
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