Board Member Highlight: Andrew Gregory

AIGA Board title / years serving:

Co-President (2 years)

Curator, AIGA UPSTNY Threadless Artist Shop

Area code/ Where do you live?

518 (Rensselaer)

Work title / employer:

Director of Multimedia at Corning Place Communications

Favorite thing about AIGA UPSTNY :

There’s so much to love about AIGA Upstate New York. Our programming team does a fantastic job of creating events that connect and educate our members. It’s also worth mentioning that our Slack channel is fire! Designers from a variety of disciplines and Upstate communities are able to share valuable insights and resources.

Why do you volunteer?

I’m a proud AIGA Upstate New York board member because I believe in the importance of giving back to your community.

Your favorite designer or personal mentor:

Now this is a tough question. I’m a big admirer of Aaron Draplin, Jen Bartle, Eric Carle and Saul Bass. I could go on and on…

Favorite design resource: 

Andy J. Miller’s Creative Pep Talk podcast is really rad. Andy offers up a great mix of practical advice and interesting guests. I can’t recommend it enough:

What do you love to do outside of design/work/aiga?

Fun adventures with my wife and kids are at the top of my list. We’re always on the go!

What would your design superpower be?

Reading a client’s mind to get a sense of what they really want would be amazing. Materializing coffee at will would be a real plus too.



@lunchboxbrain (IG, Twitter, FB)

Published October 8, 2018
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