Call for Nominations Extended

Call for Nominations Extended
 Our annual call for Board Nominations has been extended to Thursday April 19, 2012. Don’t be shy. If you’re interested in being considered for a position we want to hear about it. Know someone you think would be a rock star addition to the team? We’d love to hear about that, too.

New Board Positions begin July 01, 2012.

Nominations are now being accepted for the following positions:

Our Directors meet monthly to discuss and vote on agenda items. We’re a collaborative team that has fun, too. Most Directors are in charge of a committee as well, so there is usually some work outside of the monthly board meetings. Directors may also have the opportunity to attend the annual National Leadership Retreat held each summer in June. Directors must be members of AIGA and commit to a one or two-year term.

Treasurer (2 year term)
The Finance Director leads the charge in our chapter’s fiduciary responsibility.

Secretary (2 year term)
Are you an organized notetaker? Serve as a historian/archivist for the Chapter recording meeting minutes and oversees all Chapter documentation.

Membership Director (1 year term)
Without members, we don’t really have a chapter, now do we? The Membership Director encouraging new memberships, as well as, helping with the needs of our existing membership. They’re also an ambassador in the community to raise awareness about the benefits of joining AIGA.

Events Director (1 year term)
Programming is at the core of what our chapter does. Help enrich our members’ AIGA experience by working your event management skills.

SPARK Director (1 year term)
Help connect younger emerging designers with established design professionals encouraging the future success of the design industry with SPARK.

These super-volunteers are the Board’s task-force. Committees will meet with their Directors often and are not required to attend the formal board meetings. Committee members are all about getting things done. It’s a one-year commitment, and AIGA membership is not required (but it is highly encouraged). If you’re a go-getter and want to get involved, let us know.

Sponsorship (2+ people)
AIGA is a non-profit organization. Many of our programs wouldn’t be possible without the generous sponsorships, both cash and in-kind, from local businesses. If you’re a networker, this may be a great position for you.

Events (2+ people)
Programming is at the core of what our chapter does. You’ll be helping to bring even more design-inspired events to the Upstate New York Area area.

Communications (2+ people)
Words more your thing? Fantastic! We’re specifically looking for committee members with Public Relations and Social Media skills to help us boost media attention.

Web (2+ people)
In the next year or so, we’ll be rolling out a new website, so we need committee members with good front-end development skills.

The Details
Send your nomination to mailto: using the subject line: “Nomination to AIGA UPSTNY Board.”

Include the nominee’s name, position(s) interested in and complete contact information by Thursday, April 19. Once invitations are accepted, the current Board will put together a slate for our members to review online. New terms will begin in July. If you have any questions about the process or positions, contact our Vice President, Sarah Burns at

We’re looking forward to bringing another year of programming. We hope you can be a part of it.

Published April 3, 2012
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