Letter from AIGA Upstate New York President

I’ve been fortunate to work with many remarkably generous and dedicated people who have volunteered their time and talents to strengthen our Chapter.

In the coming months, the Board will focus on important initiatives in the area of succession planning and the call for nominations to the AIGA Upstate New York Board of Directors. The Chapter nominating committee, chaired by Sarah Burns (Vice President), is seeking nominations to be submitted by Monday April 2, 2012.

February marks my 20th month as President of the Chapter, and I’m very proud of our team and of our accomplishments. My goal during the remaining of my two-year term is to continue to carry out the mission of our organization; to stimulate thinking about design, demonstrate the value of design, and empower the success of design professionals across the arc of their careers.

It takes a great deal of energy to maintain a Chapter. I am deeply appreciative of your ongoing support of our efforts. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with each and every member of the Board and an honor to serve the statewide design community of New York. I’m happy to report that today our chapter is financially strong, we will meet our chapter affiliation requirements, and continues to enjoy steady membership growth.


Published March 6, 2012
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