President’s Letter

Dear Creative Community,

As the summer comes to a close and fall begins, I invite you to participate in the many exciting activities and initiatives we have planned for the coming year.

During the first few months of my Presidency, I have and will continue on building our programs – new and exisitng – to diversify our design community. We continue to work hard to provide programming for our members throughout the large geographic area we serve. We’ve held events simultaneously across the state and will soon be offering more programming options to members. Stay tuned as we unveil our new web-based program next month.

As members of our chapter and the design community, we want you to feel empowered in contributing to the framework – share your ideas with us – whether it be an event speaker, topic or program idea, we want to know. Each region has funds allotted for event(s), and with your voice and volunteers, we can better provide the experiences our member base needs.

Feel free to drop me an email with ideas and suggestions on how to make our chapter even more valuable and relevant to you. Thanks again for your support and involvement.

Sarah Burns

Our chapter is successful because of our members; please make sure to join if you are not already a member. People often as what they need to do to get involved, do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in making AIGA Upstate New York successful!

Published October 1, 2012
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