Call for Nominations

The AIGA Upstate New York Chapter nominating committee, chaired by current Vice President, Sarah Burns, is seeking nominations to be submitted by Monday, April 2, 2012. Serving on the board affords individuals abundant professional and personal development opportunities while helping to advance the design profession as a whole. Board descriptions can be found here:

Please send the name and complete contact information of individuals interested in serving a term on the AIGA Upstate New York Board of Directors. To do so, send an email to using the subject line: “Nomination to AIGA UPSTNY Board.”

New Board Positions begin July 01, 2012.

We encourage every AIGA member to consider nominating candidates for the AIGA Upstate New York board of directors. Self-nomination is permitted. If you are nominated by another, the board will notify you of this honor to ensure your acceptance.

To join AIGA visit:

Board members who are staying involved in one capacity or another are: Dennis Angelo, Chris Goldan, and Marc Stress.

Published March 6, 2012
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