Get Worked Up 2018 – EMERGE Awareness Week

AIGA Minnesota is thrilled to announce the return of EMERGE, designed to engage emerging designers. The program continues its aim to provide designers who are 0–5 years into their careers after graduation with customized events, experiences, and content that will advance their career paths and create tangible opportunities.

AIGA Upstate NY is participating in EMERGE week by sharing recaps from our emerging designers’ conference, called Get Worked Up. Our 2018 conference happened this year right before the start of EMERGE week, so we are sharing talks from the event all week long to share insights from our speakers with a wider audience.


Mitch Goldstein, Start at the Start

Do It Anyway: Finding Opportunity in Unusual Places, Nicole Cooke

Do what you love, and you’ll still feel like you are working (sometimes), Sam Fuller

Vote Oswego Design strategy, Danielle Benincasa

#TruthTella: Lessons Learned, Curtis Canham
Present Yourself, Milo Axelrod
Leading Creative Teams, Eleazar Hernandez 

Holy Sh*t! I got my degree, Casey Kelly
Closing Remarks, Co-President Shauna Keating

Follow us on social media – #AIGAemerge

Save the date for EMERGE Awareness Week: September 24–October 3, 2018

Published September 26, 2018
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