Get Worked Up: Mitch Goldstein, Start at the Start
Following is a brief summary of the presentations from Get Worked Up conference, September 22.
Part 1.

Start at the Start
— Mitch Goldstein

Mitch Goldstein believes there is a connection between imposter syndrome, making lots of stuff, and design magic.

Imposter syndrome forces a designer to start a project with an open and curious mind and without a clear idea of what the final product will be. Starting at the start allows for exploration in directions that are most likely outside of the designer’s range of comfort.

Experimentation by making lots of stuff, or “gobs of garbage,” pushes the project beyond the expected and predictable. That is where the magic happens.

Take Away: Be tenacious. Trust the process. Make gobs of garbage. Save all your experiments because they may be useful for future work.

Examples of Goldstein’s design work can be found on his website: and his instagram feed.

More Get Worked Up Presentations:

Mitch Goldstein, Start at the Start

Do It Anyway: Finding Opportunity in Unusual Places, Nicole Cooke

Do what you love, and you’ll still feel like you are working (sometimes), Sam Fuller

Vote Oswego Design strategy, Danielle Benincasa

#TruthTella: Lessons Learned, Curtis Canham
Present Yourself, Milo Axelrod
Leading Creative Teams, Eleazar Hernandez 

Holy Sh*t! I got my degree, Casey Kelly
Closing Remarks, Co-President Shauna Keating



More information about the AIGA Emerge program:

Published September 25, 2018